Monday 9 January 2012

YouShoot with Tony Atlas - DVD Review

For the younger generation of professional wrestling fans he’s nothing more than the big guy who laughed at Abraham Washington’s jokes during the dying days of ECW, but to the rest of us he’s more than that, and now Mr. USA himself, Tony Atlas, is the latest subject of Kayfabe Commentaries’ YouShoot series.

With the always dependable Sean Oliver posing the questions set by fans around the world Atlas comes across as perhaps the most honest guy whose ever done one of these interviews. Nothing is out of bounds here, and that’s why there’s a long segment about his foot fetish. For those of you who don’t know, our Tony likes sneaker-wearing women to stand on his face.

It’s not all about stuff that some of us may find a little weird and crazy. When Atlas talks about racial equality he makes some very good points, even if some of them, like his foot fetish, seem a little crazy.

For those of you wondering if he actually discusses his wrestling career, yes he does, and it’s this he’s truly passionate about. Atlas is one of the most knowledgeable people Oliver has ever interviewed, and that’s what makes this interview so interesting. He makes some very valid points, including one where he talks about friendship in the wrestling business, and a particular aspect I’ve experienced first hand.

In conclusion - while at times this was one of the weirdest YouShoot interviews I’ve seen it was still pretty good. Their choice of interview subject was spot on, and once again I can’t recommend a Kayfabe Commentaries release highly enough, so if you’ve still got some of that cash your aunts and uncles gave you for Christmas then I would advise investing in this DVD.

With thanks to the powers that be for supplying a copy of this release. YouShoot with Tony Atlas can be purchased online at

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