Sunday 31 December 2000

Random Ramblings Part 2

Hey everyone! With Summerslam just around the corner, here are my views on this upcoming spectacular, and a few other things in the wrestling world. I know this is my second column this week, but hey! I've got a lot to say! And unlike a certain other wrestling newsletter, whose columnists just seem to spend their time insulting each other, I'm going to talk (mainly) about wrestling. So here goes.....

The Rock v Triple H - again! Okay, I know King Kurt has been thrown into the mix, and this is nothing more than a ploy to turn Triple H from a heel into a babyface, but come on! Couldn't the bookers come up with something more imaginative?

Gordon Solie - one of the true announcing greats has been lost to us. Rest in piece.

The news that Hulk Hogan is suing WCW and Vince Russo for defammation of character comes as no surprise to me - here's my view - HOGAN, YOU ARE A JERK! YOU ARE A CRAP WRESTLER AND AN EVEN WORSE ACTOR, and I expect to be hearing from your lawyers sometime soon.

I have just seen the new X-Men film, and I thought Tyler Mane was perfect as Sabretooth. But can someone help me out here. I read that he competed in WCW as Big Sky. The name sounds famliar but I just can't place it. When was he in WCW? Who did he beat or fued with? Some help here would be appreciated.

Great to see Vince McMahon back on Raw recently, if only for a few minutes. Rumour has it Vince wants to buy the Boston Red Sox. Perhaps I could get him to buy my beloved soccer team, Norwich City, then, with Vinny Mac's millions backing us up, we wouldn't have to sell our best players all the time! And I can just see Wrestlemania coming from Carrow Road!

Rumour also has it that Vince would welcome Ken Shamrock back with open arms. Good on him! The sooner the better I say! Why? Because I think Benoit v Shamrock would make an excellant match.

Non wrestling topic - Nick Bateman - hah!

I saw RVD's Van Terminator for the first time last week. One word can describe this move - awesome.

I also saw an advert for the new WCW action figure ring - you know, the one that plays music and all that stuff. The voice over said "Hear Kevin Nash's music as he comes down to the ring!" What it should have said was "Hear Hulk Hogan's lawyers issue lawsuit papers against Vince Russo! Hear the door slam on the careers of many top WCW stars! Hear Kanyon, Big Poppa Pump and Goldberg whine and bitch about everything!"

Until next time....  

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