Sunday 19 February 1995

Corporation - Chapter One

    It had been some time since Paul Solo had been summoned to the Home Office. The last time was when he was a Chief Inspector in the Police Force. Now he was listed as a current member of Anglo-Force, even though he had been on leave for the past month or so.
    As soon as he arrived he was shown to the offices of Simon Kennedy, his old friend and the Home Secretary. It had been Kennedy himself who had asked Solo there, but he had not given a reason for wanting to see him. All the same, the greeting between the two old friends was a warm one.
    “Paul, you old devil!” said Kennedy. “Come in, take a seat!”
    They were soon seated in two rather large leather armchairs. Kennedy then called for a pot of tea, which duly arrived two minutes later.
    “So what did you want to see me about?” asked Solo. “You were very vague on the telephone.”
    Kennedy reached for a file on the table next to him. He handed it to Solo.
    “Take a look at the photo. Do you recognise this man?”
    Solo looked at the photo. It was a photo of a portly looking slightly balding gentleman.
    “He does look familiar. I can’t quite place him though.”
    “That man is Giovanni DiMambro. My sources tell me that in forty-eight hours DiMambro will arrive from New York to take over as Chief Executive Officer of the Orsine Foundation.”
    “You mean Orsine Foundation as in Giacomo Orsine?”
    “Certainly. The company will be renamed the DiMambro Foundation soon afterwards. Now, as you and I know, Orsine used the company as a front for his illegal operations.”
    His illegal operations nearly destroyed half of London while he warred with the Black Squadron.”
    “That is what I have called you here for Paul. We think that DiMambro may want to renew the Mafia’s connection with the London underworld. We already know that Peter Oswald is in his employ, and this time we want to be prepared should they start another gangland war.”
    “You mean you want Anglo-Force prepared for anything.”
    Kennedy took a sip from his tea cup.
    “Although I have the utmost faith in Anglo-Force others do not share my faith. Public confidence in them is starting to dwindle. Cyberdine have already begun legal proceedings in the States against them. Although I would like Jim and the others to handle this I can’t let them. That is why I have asked you here. I want you to head up a new Special Crimes Unit to combat any such threat should it arise.”
    “And what if it doesn’t?”
    “Believe me Paul, it will. Should you decide to take this offer you would be reinstated at the rank of Chief Inspector.”
    Solo thought for a few moments before he said anything else.
    “How many would there be in this ‘Special Crimes Unit’?”
    “I’m afraid at the moment resources are pretty stretched. I can only offer you twenty officers.”
    “There is one thing I would like to know. I am a current member of Anglo-Force. I would also be prosecuted by Cyberdine, even though I took no part in the battle.”
    “No. The lawsuit is only against those who attacked the plant. The case against Cornelius Moriarty wouldn’t have any trouble getting through the courts.”
    “I don’t know about this. It would look like I was bailing out of a sinking ship.”
    “In the long run it would look like a wise decision.”
    “When do you want my decision?”
    “As I said, DiMambro is due in the country in two days, and he is due to give a press conference in four. You have until then.”
    “I’d like to meet with a few of the officers first, if that’s okay.”
    “Certainly. They’ve already been assigned to their own area of Scotland Yard. You’ll be able to find them there.”
    They then left the seats and shook hands.
    “You’d be perfect for the job Paul. I’d hate to lose you.”
    “There are a lot of things I have to consider here, but I’ll let you know in four days.”

    High over the Norfolk countryside flew James Watt and Katrina Velichev. James Watt had to hold himself in check so his wife could keep up with him. He was used to flying at much higher speeds, speeds his wife was not capable of.
    They started to fly lower when they neared the coast. They soon found the place they were looking for, an old farm that hadn’t seen life for a while, until now that is. Watt pointed to Katrina where they should land, and a few seconds later they did. Upon arrival on the ground they saw a man and a woman running towards them. They were Alex and Martha Watt, their parents. Watt seemed a little embarrassed when his mother gave him a huge hug, but Katrina had no such feelings.
    “How are you Jim?” asked Martha. “We heard about the case on the news. We had expected you sooner.”
    “I’m fine, really.” Watt replied. “I can handle it.”
    Watt looked around his surroundings, which included the farmhouse not far away from them.
    “You’ve chosen quite a place here.” he said. “It’s nice. I like it.”
    “It wouldn’t have been possible without the loan you gave us.” said Alex. “We’ve been looking for a place like this for years!”
    “Hey!” said Watt. “It’s not a loan! Think of it as a sort of retirement gift.”
    It was then that Martha took Katrina by the arm and led her towards the house.
    “Come on Kate.” she said. “Let’s leave the men to their talk.”
    She hadn’t known her mother-in-law for long, but she knew not to argue with her. As soon as they were inside the house Alex approached his son.
    “It’s okay Jim. Your mother’s out of the way now, you can take off your public face. I know when you’re worried and I can tell that at the moment you’re worried as hell!”
    “And I’ve every right to be.” said Watt. “One of the largest companies in the States is about to prosecute me for something I did that may save the world in the future!”
    Alex placed his hand on his son’s shoulder.
    “I don’t understand all of this timeline stuff, but I know that if you think you did the right thing then you did the right thing! Besides, you can’t just think of yourself anymore, you’ve a wife and son to look after as well.”
    “As well as a government operation that costs millions to run and could be scrapped anytime now! You know Dad, there have been times in the past few weeks when I’ve though about jacking it all in and trying to return to a normal life. But now that’s not possible! I’ve never had this much responsibility before, and I’m sure I’ll get a lot more. Maybe it would be best if I just threw in the towel and admitted defeat!”
    Alex grabbed Watt by his shoulders and stared him straight in the eye.
    “Now look here James Watt, you are NOT a quitter! You never have been! You didn’t quit with Saddam captured you, or in India three years later. You’ve been a fighter all of your life, and you’re not going to stop fighting now, even if I have to give you a good kick up the arse!”
    Watt smiled for the first time in ages.
    “If you tried that you’d probably break your foot!”
    Realising what had he said Alex smiled. Father and son then hugged.
    “We’ll always be here for you Jim. There’s always a room for you and your family here, for as long as you need it! Now come on. Your mother made a cake in her new oven this morning.”
    Martha and Katrina stood in the kitchen as Martha poured a cup of tea for her daughter-in-law. She could tell that Katrina was worried.
    “Of course I knew he was acting there! What mother wouldn’t? I’ve lost many sleepless nights since that accident in Voltania, worrying about whether some super-villain is going to kill him. He may be almost indestructible now but that doesn’t stop me from worrying!”
    “But I’m beginning to think that leading Anglo-Force is too much for him! Perhaps it’s time for him to pass the baton to someone else.”
    From what I’ve heard there isn’t too many people who could do the job he’s done. Give him time girl, he’ll come through! He always has! After all, he’s a Watt!”
    Katrina hoped Martha was right.

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