Friday 13 January 1995

Return of the Blob - Chapter One

    Alpha Tracking Station in Alaska was the first tracking station set up by the United Federation of Planets on Earth. It’s main task was to monitor occurrences such as meteor showers and the like. On this day they were doing just that.
    In the main control room the station’s commanding officer Commander Adam DeSoto was overseeing the monitoring of a meteor shower that was hitting the ground only a few miles away from them. The science officer, the Vulcan Lieutenant Torak, was very intrigued.
    “Most meteor storms have a set pattern.” he reported. “This one seems to be very random, except for it’s landing pattern.
    DeSoto sat next to him and watched the screen intently.
    “Look at this.” he said. “One of them seems to be breaking away from the others.”
    The whole building then shook as the meteor hit the ground just outside the main building.
    “That was close!” said DeSoto. “Get your thermals on Torak. We’re going to take a look.”
    Garbed in very cold weather clothing DeSoto and Torak made their way to the icy wastes outside the station. Torak took out his tri-corder and began to scan the area. He soon found where the meteor had hit the ground. Together they walked over to investigate. When they were near DeSoto almost slipped over, only Torak’s quick reflexes stopping him from landing on his backside.
    “The ice seems to have partially melted in this area.” Torak reported.
    “I noticed.” said DeSoto.
    “I’m picking up a reading seventy-six metres from here.”
    “Then it must be putting out a hell of a lot of heat to melt ice this far away!”
    They slowly walked along the ice towards Torak’s reading. What they saw astonished DeSoto. The meteor casing appeared to have split in two on impact with the ice. DeSoto went to step closer but Torak held him back.
    “I advise against going any closer Commander.”
    “Nonsense. It’s just a meteor. What harm can it cause?”
    DeSoto started to walk towards the meteor. Torak continued with his scan.
    “Commander, I’m picking up a random energy fluctuation. Perhaps you…”
    DeSoto kneeled down and looked into the casing.
    “Come and look at this Torak.”
    Against his better judgement the Vulcan joined DeSoto.
    “Intriguing The casing seems to be hollow. But what is this substance inside?”
    “Looks like something my aunt used to call dessert!”
    Torak began to scan the strange substance that was inside the meteor.
    “Odd. The tri-corder is unable to scan this substance. Perhaps we should return it to the station. There I may be able to perform a more adequate scan.”
    Suddenly the strange goo-like substance sprang to life and encased itself around the tri-corder and Torak’s hand. Torak winced in pain, but before the Vulcan could do anything the strange substance grew and completely covered his body. DeSoto took out his phaser and fired at the thing, but the phaser fire had no effect whatsoever on this thing. The next thing DeSoto knew he was being attacked by whatever it was. Seconds later he was dead.

    Starfleet Command, deep in the heart of San Francisco. Captain James Watt waited impatiently at the main shuttle depot. He was due to meet Ambassador Magus there, but as always Magus was late. Then Watt looked out to see Magus’ shuttle land nearby. Watt approached the shuttle and soon after the hatchway opened and Magus stepped off. The two old friends shook hands.
    “Welcome back.” said Watt. “How was the Pegasus?”
    “The station is up and running.” Magus replied. “There was a spot of bother with an Eldar cruiser but nothing Captain Pendragon couldn’t handle. I’m hoping to return there for a holiday shortly.”
    “I’ve reserved your usual quarters here in San Francisco.” said Watt.
    They soon arrived at an old town house in San Francisco. They entered and Magus smiled. The décor and the furniture had not changed in five hundred years.
    “Have you heard anything from Teddy?” Magus asked.
    “He said something about meeting you back on the Valkyrie when the refit is complete. He said he was going to show Toby around Madame Tusauds. He wanted to see if they’d got his waxwork figure right.”
    Magus walked into the drawing room and poured himself and Watt a drink. They then sat down in the grand looking armchairs.
    “When were you hoping to return to the Time of Legends?” asked Watt.
    “As soon as the Valkyrie is ready.” Magus replied. “I’m hoping to spend some time working on a new project of mine.”
    “What project?”
    “Just a few hyper drive theories I’ve been working on.”
    “I hope you’re not turning into an engineer.”
    Magus snapped his fingers.
    “That reminds me. I’m due to see Captain Scott in half and hour at Starfleet Command about something. Can I offer you a lift?”
    “I’ve got a meeting with Admiral Calevicchi in ninety minutes, so I might as well hitch a ride with you.”
    Twenty minutes later Watt was back at Starfleet Command. As he walked along one of the crowded corridors he bumped into a young woman who was carrying several books. The books went flying as they collided.
    “I do apologise. It was my fault.”
    “No it wasn’t. I should have looked where I was going.”
    The young woman looked up at Watt and her jaw dropped, as if she had just realised who she had bumped in to.”
    “Captain Watt?”
    “Yes I am.”
    The woman sprang to her feet and extended her hand.
    “I’m Lieutenant Helen O’Rourke, your new navigator!”
    “I hope you can navigate your way through the stars better than you navigate through this corridor!”
    O’Rourke smiled.
    “I’m sorry sir. My mind was on my new assignment. It’s an honour to be assigned to the Valkyrie.”
    “As I’ve been told many times. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got a meeting with a very important Admiral. Good day to you Lieutenant.”
    Watt bowed his head and continued on his way. O’Rourke knew that this was not an ideal way to meet your new commanding officer.

    Watt soon walked into the busy control room. He had never seen it this busy before. Upon arrival he was greeted by an old friend he had not seen for a while, Admiral Calevicchi.
    “It’s good to see you again Jim.” he said, shaking Watt’s hand. “We’ll have to talk later. I’m a bit tied down here at the moment with a problem.”
    “Anything I can help with?”
    “I don’t think so. The Alpha Tracking Station in Alaska hasn’t made any form of contact for nearly eighteen hours. I’m getting very worried. They should have called in by now.”
    The Admiral signalled to a young officer, who soon approached him.
    “Find me someone who can go up to Alaska and find out what the hell is going on up there.”
    “I could.” said Watt. “I’ve got some free time at the moment. It would be better than sitting around and twiddling my thumbs.”
    “Are you sure? It’s awful cold up there this time of year.”
    “I’ll wrap up warm.”
    The Admiral thought for a moment.
    “Okay. Take two others with you.”
    The Admiral looked around the control room until he saw a young woman. She soon joined them.
    “Captain, this is Lieutenant Helen O’Rourke. She recently served at the station.”
    “We’ve just met.”
    “Oh yeah, she’s just been re-assigned to the Valkyrie. I should have remembered. That means you’ll need one more.”
    “Perhaps Ambassador Magus?” said Watt.
    “If you can find him!” said the Admiral.
    Watt turned around to see Magus standing behind him.
    “I wish you wouldn’t do that!” said Watt
    “Wrap up warm Captain.” said Magus. “And we’ll soon be on our way!”

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