Saturday 1 August 2020

What I Need For My "Hospital Appointment"

I've finally got a follow-up appointment with my cardiologist on the 23rd. It's via telephone because of the pandemic, so as I'm not going to the hospital this time around I need to find the following for my house so it feels like a normal trip to the hospital.

An old couple to moan loudly about how things were better in "their day".
A young couple complaining that they've been waiting too long.
A woman with two young children who are very loud and who won't behave.
Two people who don't seem to understand what a "please queue here" sign means.
A nurse with a very loud voice.
Someone to open a shop in my hallway selling stuff that you don't normally associate with hospitals.
Someone to set up a cafe in my kitchen with very expensive drinks and snacks.
A drunk man who argues with pigeons at bus stops.
An annoying man who normally sits on the bus claiming to know everything about everything.
An old woman who refuses to move the shopping from the seat next to her so I can sit down.

And a dedicated team of health professionals who have done the NHS proud this year. :)

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