So as 2024 draws to a close I’m thinking about what the worst moment of the year was. Was it the seemingly endless array of hospital and GP appointments I attended? The constant pain I’ve found myself in since my illness and operation in 2023? Losing my job and the support network it provided at a time when that support network was needed more than ever?
Nope. For me the worst moment in 2024 was losing Tinker. Her passing didn’t hit me hard because it was unexpected, or because she was at a relatively young age. It hit me like a ton of bricks because of what she did for me.
Tinker sat with me every day for months after I got out of hospital, watching over me, looking after me, making sure I was okay. As I began my never-ending recovery from pneumonia and the procedures and operations Tinker did her best to make me feel better.
As I sat on the sofa propped up by cushions and pillows she often tucked herself into my left-hand side, taking a position under my left arm. At times she would sit on the arm of the sofa, placing her head on my shoulder, or on the back of the sofa, sometimes washing my head.
Her constant presence by my side was a reminder of how much our furry friends give to us during their short life span. Sadly for Tinker that life span was a lot shorter than we thought it would be.
I will never forget what she did for me then. Rest in peace Tinker.
Nope. For me the worst moment in 2024 was losing Tinker. Her passing didn’t hit me hard because it was unexpected, or because she was at a relatively young age. It hit me like a ton of bricks because of what she did for me.
Tinker sat with me every day for months after I got out of hospital, watching over me, looking after me, making sure I was okay. As I began my never-ending recovery from pneumonia and the procedures and operations Tinker did her best to make me feel better.
As I sat on the sofa propped up by cushions and pillows she often tucked herself into my left-hand side, taking a position under my left arm. At times she would sit on the arm of the sofa, placing her head on my shoulder, or on the back of the sofa, sometimes washing my head.
Her constant presence by my side was a reminder of how much our furry friends give to us during their short life span. Sadly for Tinker that life span was a lot shorter than we thought it would be.
I will never forget what she did for me then. Rest in peace Tinker.
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