Sunday 21 July 2024

An Apology

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to make a public apology to all of you.

You see, back in 2020, during the dark days of the covid pandemic, I threw my hat into the podcasting world, mainly because I had so much time on my hands. I recorded twelve episodes and mainly spoke about the pandemic, about how it had affected me and so on and so forth.

During one of these episodes, I can’t remember which one, and I can’t be bothered to go and check, I stated that the government of the United Kingdom, under the leadership of Boris Johnson, was doing a good job.

I couldn’t have been more fucking wrong.

Hindsight is wonderful isn’t it? Since those days in which so many of us lost their lives we’ve discovered just what was going on in the corridors of power, and this week the first report from the covid inquiry told us that the people who govern us, who make our laws and are meant to protect us weren’t ready to protect us at all.

I really thought that Boris and his gang were heading in the right direction with the things that they did, but it turns out that while the general populous couldn’t be with their loved ones while they took their last breaths and couldn’t attend their funerals so they could pay their last respect and say their final goodbyes the powers-that-be were breaking their own rules and doing the things they told us we couldn’t do.

Sure, let’s snog our secretaries. Then let’s go down to the off licence and come back with a couple of suitcases filled with booze so we can have a party in the nice gardens outside our offices. Also, don’t forget to invite everyone in the office as we give a birthday cake to the big blonde guy who runs the whole operation. And let us not forget all the lovely million pound contracts that we can give to our friends and our friends of friends for faulty equipment that isn’t up to snuff.

Now it turns out that the boys were prepared for another kind of pandemic, and not the one that hit us. You just couldn’t make this stuff up, could you? And during all that time I was sitting in front of my computer thinking that we were doing okay. How fucking gullible was I?

So I’d like to publicly apologise to the dozens of people who listened to that podcast for making that statement. I was wrong, and I take back everything I said then, because our government, our elected officials, really had no fucking clue what the hell they were doing.

It’s really not surprising that they lost the election so badly, is it?

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