Monday 3 June 2024

Where's My Cake?

So I have a question. Where’s my cake?

Let me elaborate.

When someone leaves their place of work there is often a little gathering, normally to thank them for all of their hard work. A card, signed by many co-workers, is handed to them, and cake is often eaten before the person leaves the building for pastures new.

This never happened to me.

I’ve been to these gatherings in the past. I’ve signed numerous cards, and I’ve even been known to eat some cake on these occasions.

So where was my cake?

Granted, the circumstances surrounding my departure from the company was a little different. I hadn’t been at work for a while due to ill health, and my contract was cancelled because I couldn’t give a date for my return to work.

All I was shown was the door. No card. No cake.

I feel completely let down, and I don’t really know who to blame. It would have been nice to have been respected a bit more, especially as I was told what a hard worker I’d been during my time with the company.

If I was such a hard worker why didn’t I get a card signed by my co-workers, supervisors and managers wishing me well? Why didn’t anyone shake my hand thanking me for my time with the company?

Why wasn’t I offered any cake?

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