Saturday, 1 May 2010

From the archive - 1 Stop Wrestling Exclusives

When I first began to write about wrestling on the internet way back in 2000, a man who went by the name of SamJerry said to get my work seen on as many websites as possible and by as many people as possible. In short - don't do exclusives.

So while I heeded that advice, in January 2003 I decided to go against that advice, mainly because I wanted to repay a favour to a couple of friends. So my exclusive columns for British wrestling website 1 Stop Wrestling began.

There were sixteen columns in total, about a range of subjects, including fantasy booking, how certain wrestlers shouldn't speak, and one about the man responsible for me becoming a wrestling fan in the first place.

Sadly, 1 Stop Wrestling is no more, and there really hasn't been anything to take it's place since. But you can now read all of these columns here -

Finally, a big thanks to the bods who ran 1 Stop. I really enjoyed looking back over these old articles.

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