Thursday 18 August 1994

Inauguration - Chapter Two

The U.S.S. Valkyrie was four and a half hours away from Babylon 5. On board were several V.I.P.’ on their way to the inauguration. The nature of this mission allowed Captain Watt some free time, and he took this time to walk about his ship. One of his final stops was the bar on deck ten, the Gresley. When Watt entered he soon found where all the V.I.P.’s were. He stood in the doorway and looked around at the gathered dignitary. At one table sat two of Starfleet’s finest admirals, Nicholas Lethbridge-Stewart and Alberto Calevicchi. At another table sat two ambassadors, Benjamin Adams of Earth and Charles Dickens of the newcomer planet Tencton. When Adams saw Watt standing near the door he motioned him over. Watt approached their table.

    “Join us Captain.” said Adams
    Watt seated himself at the table. A waiter came over and took Watt’s order.
    “How long until we reach Babylon 5 Captain?” Adams asked.
    “In a little over four hours Ambassador.” said Watt.
    “I’m looking forward to the festivities.” said Dickens. “As the first newcomer ambassador it is a great honour to attend such an event.”
    “It is for everyone who will be there.” said Adams. “And especially for me as I will be the one carrying out the ceremony. Although I would have preferred someone like Ambassador Spock to perform the ceremony I am, nevertheless, very honoured.”
    “My grandfather originally wanted Magus to perform the ceremony.” said Watt. “But the rules state the ceremony has to be carried out by someone of Ambassadorial status from one of the U.F.P. founder planets. I’m sure Ambassador Spock knew what he was doing when he declined.”
    Then a call came through on Watt’s communicator from the bridge.
    “Watt here.”
    “Commander Pendragon here. Can you come to the bridge please Captain?”
    “I’m on my way number one.”
    Watt got to his feet.
    “If you’ll excuse me gentlemen.”
    Adams and Dickens nodded slightly.
    A couple of minutes later Watt arrived on the bridge. He saw Pendragon standing behind the two helm positions which were manned by Tompkins and Greenleaf.
    “What is it Commander?” asked Watt.
    “We’ve picked up three ships on the sensors.” Pendragon replied. “One of them is the Yorktown, another is the Aswan. The third we can’t identify.”
    “The Yorktown and the Aswan should have been at Babylon 5 hours ago.” said Watt. “What V.I.P.‘s are on those ships?”
    “Lord Hargen from the Federation Senate and Alen the Seer of the Istari are the two most notable ones sir.” said Tompkins.
    “Have you checked the other ship with the computer.” asked Watt.
    “Yes sir.” said Tompkins. “There is nothing like it on file.”
    “Try to hail them Mr. Amarus.” ordered Watt.
    Then they watched the view screen as the third unknown ship began to slowly vanish.
    “Where did it go?” asked Pendragon.
    “Perhaps some form of cloaking device.” said Watt.
    “Captain, I have the commanding officer of the Yorktown on the line, Captain Tarak Queeg.” said Amarus.
    “On screen Lieutenant.”
    The image of a man with greying hair wearing a Starfleet captain’s uniform appeared on the screen.
    “This is Captain Queeg of the Yorktown.”
    “Tarak, it’s Captain James Watt here on the Valkyrie.”
    “Jim, a pleasant surprise.”
    “I thought you and the Aswan were meant to be at Babylon 5 hours ago.”
    “We were Jim, but we stopped to give assistance to a vessel.”
    “You mean the one we picked up near you?” said Watt. “What happened to her?”
    “Some of their crew needed medical treatment after a slight explosion.” said Queeg. “I’ll give you the full story when we reach Babylon 5.”
    “Very well. Valkyrie out.”
    The screen went blank. Trospheo approached Watt.
    “I sense some deception on his part Captain.” she said. “He wasn’t being entirely truthful.”
    “Tarak Queeg is an old friend of mine.” said Watt. “He was in the final year at the Academy when I was in the first. I hardly think Tarak would lie to me.”
    “All the same, he was lying about something.” said Trospheo.
    “Sir, the Yorktown and the Aswan are now heading towards Babylon 5.” reported Tompkins.
    “Very well.” said Watt. “Continue on our course to the station, ahead warp five.”
    The Valkyrie were soon on their way to Babylon 5, not far behind the Yorktown and the Aswan.

    It was two hours later when Sinclair left the presidential quarters. He left with a large smile on his face, having enjoyed himself reliving old memories. He left in a very good mood, but that mood was soon to be shattered.
    “Commander! Commander Sinclair!”
    Sinclair recognised the voice instantly. It was a voice that could send a chill down the spine of the toughest and hardest of Starfleet captains. It was a voice that Sinclair hoped would not bother him, but unfortunately now it did. Sinclair turned round to face something he considered worse than a deadly enemy.
    “Commander Sinclair! I’ve been waiting to meet you! I’m…”
    “Lwaxana Troi of Betazed. Yes, Mrs. Troi, I’ve heard all about you!”
    “There was no need for you to interrupt me Commander! I was merely going to ask if the President was available. I would like to say hello to him.”
    Sinclair let out a huge sigh.
    “There will be plenty of opportunities to meet the new President at tonight’s reception. He has left instructions not to be disturbed.”
    “All I wanted to do was give him my support. I may not agree with all of his views but he’s still a remarkable man.”
    Sinclair thought quickly. He had to find a way of getting away.
    “If you’ll excuse me, Mrs. Troi. I’ve got to…check the door mechanisms in the Blue Sector.”
    “Surely you have engineers that can…”
    “All the same, I’d like to do it myself. Goodbye.”   
    Sinclair beat a hasty retreat, leaving Mrs. Troi wondering….was it something she said?…Or perhaps her perfume?

    The Yorktown and the Aswan had gone on ahead of the Valkyrie so they could make up for lost time. The Valkyrie had continued with their speed set at warp four, and they arrived at the Babylon 5 jump-gate only a few minutes late. Everything was normal on the bridge.
    “Slow speed to one half impulse.” Watt ordered.
    “Aye sir.” responded Greenleaf.
    It took the Valkyrie a few minutes to reach the end of the jump-gate. When they did reach the end what greeted them surprised Watt. He had never seen that many ships in orbit around a single planet before, and that wasn’t counting the Babylon 5 station itself.
    “Will you look at that!” he said.
    “It certainly is a sight.” said Pendragon.
    It was not the sight of so many ships itself that which caused wonder for Watt, but the different sort of ships as well. In one area was a Klingon Bird of Prey, the ship of Chancellor Gowron. Nearby was a Romulan Warbird, under the command of Tomalok and carrying Pardek. Near to that was a Cardassian Warship under the command of Gul Dukat. Other ships included a Ferengi cruiser, ships from the Narn home world, Centauri Prime, Vorlon, Minbauri, Vulcan, Tencton, and even a ship from the distant world of Tau-Alpha C. The sight of all of these ships brought a smile to Watt’s face.
    “A pity it is an occasion such as this which brings all these races together on peaceful terms.” he said.
    “Agreed.” said Pendragon. “But perhaps now we have a new President such gatherings will become commonplace, such is his desire for peace.”
    “Captain, I’m receiving a transmission from the station.” said Amarus.
    “On screen.”
    The image of Lieutenant Commander Ivanova appeared on the screen.
    “U.S.S. Valkyrie, this is Babylon 5.”
    “This is Captain Watt of the Valkyrie, ready to receive orbital coordinates.”
    “Transmitting them now.”
    Greenleaf looked down at this helm panel.
    “Receiving them now sir.”
    “Thank you Babylon 5.”
    “Our pleasure Valkyrie, and welcome to the station.”
    Greenleaf moved the Valkyrie to the coordinates, and they soon saw another ship next to them, this one a very familiar and welcome sight - the U.S.S. Enterprise.

    It was ten minutes later when Watt and Pendragon were just leaving customs. As they walked along the corridor Watt heard a familiar voice calling to him, the voice of Commander Sinclair.
    Sinclair ran over to where they were. Watt smiled.
    “Now is that any way to address a superior office, Commander?”
    The two of them shook hands.
    “May I introduce you to my first officer, Commander Arthur Pendragon.”
    “A pleasure Commander.” said Sinclair.
    The two commanders shook hands.
    “Come.” said Sinclair. “Your grandfather is waiting to see you.”
    Sinclair took them in the direction of the presidential quarters.
    “I understand you ran into the Yorktown and the Aswan.” said Sinclair. “Did they say anything about why they were late?”
    “Apparently they were rendering assistance to an unknown stricken vessel.” said Watt.
    Sinclair stopped at the door to the presidential quarters.
    “We are here.” he said.
    “Suddenly Sinclair’s communicator sounded.
    “What is it?” he asked.
    “Ivanova here. We’re picking up a strange ship on the sensors that’s just come through the jump-gate.”
    “Understood, Lieutenant Commander. I’m on my way.”
    Sinclair turned to Watt.
    “It’s good to see you again Jim. We’ll talk later.”
    “I understand Jeff. Duty calls!”
    Sinclair went racing off down the corridor.
    Both Watts were curious about this latest arrival. They entered Ops just after Sinclair. Sinclair, Ivanova and Garibaldi were in a state of high excitement, being unable to identify the new ship.
    “I don’t know any race which has apple green and white stripes.” said Sinclair.
    “It’s a most unusual form of propulsion too.” replied Ivanova.
    The Watts could retain their mirth no more. Great gusts of laughter resounded around the room.
    “I don’t want to appear disrespectful to my new boss, but what is so funny?”
    At the moment the screen lit up and a familiar face appeared.
    “James my dear boy, you also James. I’m sorry I’m late, the old girl blew a fusible plug just past Antares. Granamyr’s had a hell of a time keeping the steam pressure up.”
    Sinclair looked relieved.
    “Ambassador Magus, I didn’t realise it was you. Stand by to receive orbital coordinates.”
    Within the hour the retinue, for it could be given no other name, was walking through the corridors of Babylon 5. Firstly came Magus himself, clad in an immaculate black tailcoat and flowing cape, his homburg placed squarely upon his head. Ice blue eyes, betraying none of their owner’s twenty or so centuries, shone out from behind gold-rimmed pince nez. Then followed Teddy and Toby, both with a few grey hairs upon their muzzles but still as sprightly as they had ever been. Lastly came Belvedere, Magus’ robot butler, bearing an enormous red velvet cushion upon which reclined, with regal majesty, the two cats, Jimmy and Tabby. All the animals wore collars of the finest mithril silver. It was indeed an impressive sight.
    Lwaxana Troi was in conversation with Londo Mollari as this little parade passed by.
    “Who is that man?” she asked with obvious interest.
    A broad smile crossed Mollari’s face.
    “That is my old friend Phineas Magus. He is a personal friend of President Watt and also knows how to have a good time. Rumour has it that he is the richest man here.”
    Mrs. Troi looked intrigued.
    “Perhaps I should get to know him better.”

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