Thursday 7 July 1994

The Rise of Supremus - Chapter Four

White Knight stood in the middle of Tower Bridge, binoculars in hand. His winged horse, Galador, stood nearby. White Knight was looking at the area around him looking for some sign of Supremus. A few minutes later he saw Supercop in the sky. The American soon joined him on the bridge.
    “I couldn’t find any sign of him.” he said.
    “Same here.” said White Knight. “Wait! I see something.”
    White Knight handed the binoculars to Supercop, who looked up towards the area of sky that was indicated to him. The figure in the sky seemed very distant. A few seconds passed before Supercop recognised him.
    “That’s our boy alright.”
    White Knight activated his communicator.
    “White Knight to Captain. Supremus is here, near our location.”
    “Do not engage him. Repeat, do not engage him.”
    It was a mere three seconds later when Watt was hovering over Tower Bridge. The speed at which he arrived surprised the others.
    “If Daniel is correct then Supremus will forget you two and go after me.” said Watt. “After all, I was one of those who first battled him.”
    The shape in the sky got larger and larger as it neared the bridge. A minute passed before they could clearly see it was Supremus.
    “Well, here goes.”

    And with that Watt flew further off into the sky to confront Supremus along. Then Supremus suddenly stopped in mid-flight. He instantly recognised Watt and extended his hand in front of him. A second later and Watt was sent back flying towards the bridge, having been hit by an energy blast. He landed on the bridge not far away from White Knight and Supercop, his costume smoking from the slightly singed bits. The others rushed over to him.
    “Are you okay?” asked White Knight.
    Watt got to his feet and dusted himself down.
    “He can still pack one hell of a wallop.” said Watt. “It’s just a pity Woodwose isn’t here. We could have done with the extra firepower.”
    The three of them stood on the bridge as Supremus neared them. They were surprised when Supremus flew past them and didn’t even stare at them.
    “Likes like the doc was right.” said Supercop. “Looks like he’s heading in the direction of the old bunker.”
    Watt activated his communicator.
    “Watt to all teams. Supremus is heading towards the bunker, E.T.A. three minutes.”
    “Solo here. We understand.”
    And with that Watt and Supercop took to the sky, closely followed by White Knight on Galador.
    Watt used his tremendous speed powers to reach the old bunker un under a minute. He landed near the entrance and looked up into the sky to see Supremus getting nearer and nearer. About a minute later Supremus landed on the ground about ten feet in front of Watt. Watt moved so he blocked the entrance.
    “Move weakling.” Supremus boomed. “I have no quarrel with you. I seek only those who are in Anglo-Force.”

    “You should read the papers now and then.” said Watt. “All of those you have encountered since you escaped from Dentonville have been from Anglo-Force!”
    “You lie!”
    Supremus extended his hand and fired another burst of energy at him. This time however Watt was able to move out of the way as the energy hit the ground.
    “And your memory obviously isn’t up to scratch.” said Watt. “I was one of those who defeated you before, even though I wasn’t a member of the team then.”
    Supremus stared at Watt and appeared confused. He appeared to stagger slightly, as if he was feeling weak or dizzy. He seemed to recover a few seconds later.
    “Now I remember!” he boomed. “You are with that old man! It was him who drained my power and put me in that cell! He must be here!”
    Supremus pointed his hand at the ground and began to fire a prolonged burst of energy, as if he was trying to tunnel into the old bunker that once was Anglo-Force’s home. He stood motionless for a few moments as he carried out this task. It was then that Watt saw his chance and took it. Getting to his feet Watt charged the giant mutate at near full speed, knocking him off his feet and sending them both flying over a hundred feet until they both crashed into a nearby wall. The bricks came tumbling down on both of them as dust from the wall filled the air all around them. As the wall came down Solo, Red Sun, White Knight and Supercop arrived on the scene.
    “Where are they?” asked Red Sun.
    Suddenly the pile of bricks and mortar began to rumble, and suddenly Watt cam flying out backwards, straight up about two hundred feet into the air, with bricks flying everywhere.
    “That should answer your question.” said Supercop.
    Suddenly the bricks began to move again, this time however it was Supremus who was making himself visible, but this time he was much larger, at least thirty feet tall.
    “Beware all those who stand in my way!” he boomed. “Take me to Anglo-Force!”
    “Don’t you ever listen!” said White Knight. “We are Anglo-Force!”
    Supremus pointed his hands towards them and fired a double energy blast just a few inches in front of them, as if he was giving them a sort of warning shot. Red Sun countered this by firing one of her nova blasts at Supremus’ face. When the smoke cleared Supremus just stared at her. He was about to fire back at her when suddenly he was knocked off his feet again by Watt. Supremus’ now huge hand grabbed Watt around his chest and began to squeeze his chest and ribs, squeezing the air out of his lungs. This was stopped by a huge lunging blow from Supercop, which forced Supremus to release his grip. He then swatted Supercop away with his other hand and began to get to his feet. As he did this White Knight ran over to him and began hacking away at his leg with Excalibur. These blows had absolutely no effect on the mutate, and Supremus just kicked him away like a piece of rubbish. Red Sun then took to the sky and fired several short nova blasts at Supremus. She continued this for about thirty seconds, and it seemed to have some effect. Again Supremus seemed dizzy and disorientated, as if he was weakening. But after a few seconds of this he again seemed to regain his footing and fired an energy blast at Red Sun, sending her crashing to the ground.
    As the others battled the giant Supremus Solo stood watching them. He knew he had to do something. So he placed his hands on his temples and closed his eyes. He was attempting to probe Supremus’ mind, trying to make him stop his attack on his comrades. As Solo did this Supremus broke from his attack and looked up into the sky. He could tell that someone was trying to probe his mind. He looked around for a few seconds and then looked down at Solo. Supremus had no idea what was happening. No one had tried to read his thoughts before. He appeared motionless for a number of seconds. It was then that Watt and Supercop saw their chance. They both flew towards him, and both readied themselves to deliver a mighty blow each. This they did, and this sent Supremus flying into the air in the direction of the River Thames. There was an almighty splash as he hit the water. He went under for a few seconds and came shooting back out in the direction of the bunker. This time Watt was waiting for him. He delivered another mighty blow to him. Supremus let out a huge cry of pain, and, after all, he had not experienced much pain before this battle.
    It was after this battle that a strange sort of glow began to form around Supremus, and he slowly began to get smaller and smaller, reverting back to his original size. He then slumped to the ground.
    “What’s going on?” asked Red Sun.
    “No idea.” said Watt. “But this is the chance we’ve been waiting for.”
    Watt took off again and flew towards Supremus. He was about to deliver the final blow when Supremus got to his feet and extended both his arms in front of him. Letting out a huge sort of war cry pure energy began to fill the area around them, hurting all save Supremus. This energy blast seemed to render all of them unconscious. Supremus slowly got to his feet, and once again he seemed very groggy, very dizzy. As he stood, slightly staggering around, another energy blast hit him square in the back. He turned around to see Star Man and Marvel Boy hovering in the sky, with Daniel Reid and Colossus One standing on the ground beneath them.
    “I urge you to surrender.” said Reid. “These weapons which we are carrying are quite capable of subduing you.”
    Supremus slowly raised his arm, as if he was about to fire another energy blast, but before he could do this a telekinetic blast from Marvel Boy struck Supremus’ head. This sent Supremus to the ground, and the other four began to approach him. They thought he was unconscious. Supremus was not, but he knew that his power level was rapidly diminishing and that he could not stand another battle. It was then that another glow began to form around him. The others had seen what this did to their fallen comrades so they prepared themselves for another attack, but the attack was not forthcoming. Slowly Supremus began to vanish, and after a few seconds he was completely gone. Reid and Star Man walked over to where Supremus last was. They looked down at the ground beneath their feet.
    “Where did he go?” asked Star Man.
    “I have no idea.” said Reid. “My instrument here can find no trace of him. Perhaps we have defeated him!”

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