Saturday 16 April 1994

The Lycanthrope - Chapter Two

Watt sat in his chair on the bridge. The Valkyrie was entering the system that Starfleet had designated the Sierra system. This system was a mainly unexplored sector of space, unmanned probes having been the only vessels sent here by Starfleet. It was hoped that new colonies could be set up in this system.
    “We are approaching the first planet.” said Tompkins at the helm. “Sensors confirm probe readings. Atmosphere poisonous to human life.”
    A few minutes later they approached the second planet of the Sierra system.
    “Probe readings confirmed.” said Tompkins. “Class M planet, similar size to Earth. No life readings, two orbiting moons.”
    “Perfect for a new colony.” said Watt. “Begin primary scans.”
    Amarus started his task. It was a few minutes before the scans were complete.

    “Primary scans are in, Captain.” he reported.
    Watt turned to Pendragon in the next chair.
    “Assemble your away team number one.” he said.
    “Mr. Amarus, you’re with me. Assemble a small security team.”
    Pendragon then activated his communicator.
    “Ambassador Magus report to transporter room three. Pendragon to Life Sciences.”
    “Life Sciences here.”
    “We need a geology expert for the away team. Who can you spare?”
    “Lieutenant Talbot is currently available. I’ll send him to the transporter room.”
    Pendragon and Amarus left the bridge. A few minutes mater they arrived in the transporter room where Magus and two security guards were waiting for them.
    “Where’s Talbot?” asked Pendragon.
    No one knew where he was. Pendragon activated his communicator.
    “Computer, give location of Lieutenant Talbot.”
    “Lieutenant Talbot is currently in his quarters.”
    “Pendragon to Talbot, report to transporter room three.”
    There was no reply.
    “Wait here.” said Pendragon.
    Pendragon left the transporter room. A few minutes later he stood outside Talbot’s quarters. He pressed the computer panel and the buzzer rang. There was no reply. Again, Pendragon pressed the panel, and again no reply.
    “Computer, over-ride door mechanism, authorisation Pendragon alpha one.”
    The door opened, and Pendragon entered Talbot’s quarters. It seemed that no one was at home. When Pendragon walked further into the room he saw Talbot sitting at the dining table.
    “You were ordered to report to the transporter room Lieutenant.” said Pendragon.
    “I can’t go on the away team, Commander.”
    “What did you say?”
    “I said I can’t go on the away team.”
    “Do you have a valid reason? Are you sick or injured?”
    Talbot did not reply.
    “Then if you have no valid reason for not joining the away team collect your survey equipment and report to transporter room three.”
    “But I…!”
    “No buts Lieutenant. Report to the transporter room. And consider yourself lucky I’m not putting you on report.”
    Pendragon left Talbot’s quarters and returned to the transporter room. A few minutes later Talbot entered the transporter room.
    “About time.” said Pendragon. “Now as we are all here we can get on with this thing.”
    The away team stepped onto the transporter pad. Pendragon gave the order for the transporter beam to be energized. A few minutes later the away team stood on the surface of the planet. As soon as they arrived Amarus began scanning the surrounding area with his tri-corder while the others looked around at the green and wood-like countryside.
    “I could easily retired here.” said Pendragon.
    “It certainly has some charm.” said Magus.
    “Well, we can’t stand around all day admiring the scenery.” said Pendragon. “You know what to do.”
    The away team began split up, carrying out their various duties. Talbot was left standing along in the clearing. He looked up at the sky. It look as if there was only a few more hours of daylight left. He began to get very nervous.
    About half an hour later on the bridge Greenleaf, who was now at tactical, picked up something on his panel.
    “Captain, I’m picking up a distress signal from an adjoining system. It’s from the Dubai.”
    “On screen.”
    “There is no visual signal, only an audio one.”
    A crackling noise came onto the speakers.
    “Mayday, mayday. This is the Federation transport vessel Dubai. We have suffered severe damage to our warp drive, and our impulse engines are without power.”
    “Are there any ships nearby?” asked Watt.
    Greenleaf checked the sensor panel.
    “We are the nearest ship.” he reported. “At warp eight we can reach the Dubai in fifteen minutes.”
    “Mr. Tompkins, set a course for the Dubai. Mr. Greenleaf, open a channel to Commander Pendragon.”
    Greenleaf opened a communications channel.
    “I’m afraid something’s come up number one. We’ve just received a distress signal from the Dubai.”
    “We’ve still got quite a few tests to carry out down here Captain, but we’re going to call it a day soon anyway because it’ll be dark soon.”
    “I’m afraid we can’t wait that long.”
    “Understood Captain. Just beam us down a camp fire and some marsh-mellows and we’ll be happy.”
    A few minutes later camping equipment and a small replicator were beamed down to the surface, and the Valkyrie went on it’s way to answer the Dubai’s distress signal. It was half an hour later when Pendragon received another transmission from the Valkyrie, from Watt.
    “I’m afraid we’ve run into a spot of trouble number one.” he said. “We were caught in an explosion from the Dubai’s warp engines. Some of our systems, including warp drive, have gone down. We won’t be able to get to you until the morning.”
    “We understand, sir. Besides, I haven’t been camping in years!”
    “Very well number one. We’ll see you at sunrise. Valkyrie out.”
    As the others continued to set up the equipment for the stay Magus noticed the look of complete horror on Talbot’s face.

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