Sunday 19 February 1995

Corporation - Chapter Four

    Cautiously Watt and Jet moved through a further two floors of building, and they were surprised when they did not encounter any more resistance. Then after going down another flight of stairs they saw someone. As soon as they opened the door they saw a huge fat man wearing a white t-shirt standing along the corridor from them. He appeared to be holding two sticks but they didn’t look like any form of weaponry.

    “You know what they say.” said Jet. “It’s not over until the fat bloke sings!”
    “Let’s hope he doesn’t know any songs!”
    The fat man then reached into his pocket and took out a lighter. He then lighted the ends of the sticks, which had been doused in petrol. He then began to move towards Watt and Jet.
    “I do not sing, but I breath fire! So speaks…the Firefly!”
    He then raised the sticks to his mouth and blew. His breath was mighty, and a huge burst of flames shot out down the corridor towards the two of them. They only just managed to get out of the way. Firefly moved past them and began to turn around. Once again he blew flames, and these had the same result. Watt and Jet were amazed by his speed. How could someone that fat move so quickly they wondered.
    “We’ll have to use our speed on this one again.” said Watt. “It’s the only way out!”
    Rising to his feet Watt only just avoided another burst of flame. He then came up behind the fat man and unleashed several punches upon his sizeable body. These had some effect. So, using his speed, he moved around to his front and hit Firefly several times in his ample midsection. These blows seem to strand Firefly in a way. Watt knew that if he kept delivering the blows to his opponent he wouldn’t be able to do anything with his powerful flames. This assumption was correct. A minute later Firefly fell to the ground and resembled a beached whale as he lay on the floor before them. Jet soon joined Watt as he looked down at his fallen foe.
    “I thought you were strong?”
    “I am, but I’ve never had to work through so much fat before!”
    After taking a short breather they continued on their way, only to find they way barred by a mountain of a man who was built like the proverbial brick building. He stood seven foot tall in his massive boots, and it looked like he had muscles on his muscles. He had long brown hair and a painted face. He looked down at Watt and Jet and made a growling sort of noise at them.
    “Has London Zoo reported any escapes lately?” asked Jet.
    Watt did not reply as the huge man started to run towards them. His strides were big and lumbering, and as he ran towards them he started to lunge out in front of him as if his arms were trying to cut down a tree. It was easy for the two speedsters to avoid him as the man mountain rammed into the opposite wall. The whole building seemed to shake on impact. The man fell to his knees and shook his head.
    “Warrior hurt! Warrior wants to smash!”
    “At least we know his name now!” said Watt.
    Warrior then got to his feet and started to run towards Watt and Jet with the same movement. Obviously he had not learned from his mistake. Jet reared back and took a punch at the huge man but found himself crying out in pain soon after his hand made contact. His hand throbbed with the pain.
    “Feels like he’s made of steel!”
    “Isn’t that some other guy?”
    Warrior stopped running and turned around. He seemed pleased that he had caused Jet some pain. He then started to run towards them again. His charging tactic so far had a fifty percent success rate, although he did not have the mental capacity to work this out for himself. As Warrior ran towards them Watt pushed Jet to one side.
    “Let me deal with this one.”
    Warrior ran near him and Watt unleashed with a blow to his heavily-muscled midsection. Even to Watt’s mighty hands it felt like he was hitting solid metal. Time and again he hit Warrior’s stomach, and the huge man was wondering what was happening to him. He had never been in a situation like this before. No one had even stood toe-to-toe with him like this before, and in this fight he was losing! Then, with Warrior winded, Watt flipped him over his should and Warrior landed on the floor with a resounding thud. He then lay motionless, utterly defeated.
    “All brawn and no brains,” said Watt. “How is the hand?”
    “I could do with some ice, but I suppose that will have to wait. Come on, if this is the best tactics DiMambro had to offer then we should have nothing to worry about!”

    They were now getting very near the main office. They soon arrived on the floor where the office was located, but after opening a door they saw two women standing nearby. They were identical twins and they wore identical clothing.
    “DiMambro’s secretaries perhaps?” said Watt.
    He was very wrong. The two women suddenly leapt into the air and aimed karate kicks at the two of them. Again they had to use their speed to avoid these blows, and the two women landed not far behind them. Then one of them somersaulted towards Jet and connected with a chop to his collar-section. She then flipped backwards and allowed her sister to attack. She connected with a savate kick. Then one of them tried to kick Watt with another martial arts-style move, but it felt as if she was kicking a steel wall. Then as she went to kick Watt again he grabbed her ankle and threw her to one side. She landed on the floor and got up a few seconds later, shaking her head, trying to get rid of the cobwebs.
    Jet, meanwhile, had regained his composure and managed to dodge out of the way of an oncoming blow. He managed to grab his attacker and pushed her back against the wall. Still Watt and Jet were still having their trouble against the two martial artists. The exchange of blows and manoeuvres lasted for some minutes until Watt threw the twins into each other, knocking them both out. Watt then took a deep breath.
    “Mac said he’d give me karate lessons not long after he joined the team.” said Watt. “Perhaps I’d better take him up on his offer.”
    They then walked along the corridor until they came to two huge wooden doors.
    “Well.” said Jet. “This looks like it. Let’s get this over with.”
    Jet went to open the doors, but Watt stopped him.
    “I appreciate your help Clarkie, but I have to do this part alone.”
    Reaching forward Watt opened the huge doors and entered the office, only to find the end of a laser rifle pointed in his face. Holding the other end of the rifle was Peter Oswald, now dressed up as the Gunner.
    “Let Captain Watt in Mister Oswald.” said a voice from nearby.
    Watt looked around to see a tall man wearing a black suit enter the room. He was holding a glass of brandy.”
    “Giovanni DiMambro I presume.”
    “You presume correctly, Captain. Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss.”
    “I’d rather stand if you don’t mind.”
    “Have it your own way.”
    DiMambro then motioned towards Oswald, whose rifle was still pointed at Watt.
    “Lower your weapon. Captain Watt is here as my guest.”
    Oswald did as he was told, reluctantly.
    “So why did you want to see me Mister DiMambro?”
    DiMambro took out a huge cigar and lighted it.
    “Simple.” he said. “I want to offer you a job!”
    Watt laughed out loudly.
    “Surely you can’t be serious? You want me to work for you? You’re crazy!”
    “On the contrary, I am quite serious. I want you as my head of security. I will offer you five times what you make working for the government!”
    Oswald took off his helmet and threw it to the table.
    “You offered me that job DiMambro!”
    “So I did Mister Oswald, but it is my hope that the two of you can work together!”
    Watt continued to smile, and now he was shaking his head.
    “So this is what all the fuss was about! You know DiMambro, this really takes the cake! How could you ever think I’d work for you? You’re a known criminal!”
    “And at the moment you are about to be prosecuted for destruction of property, a lawsuit that could cost your government millions of pounds. Join me Captain Watt, and you and your family will be set for life!”
    Watt walked over to the desk and leaned towards DiMambro.
    “You may be trying to pass yourself off as a legitimate businessman but I will always know better! I wouldn’t work for you if I were starving to death! You and your kind are scum DiMambro, and if you so much as step out of line, your and your so-called bodyguards out there will be in prison so fast you won’t know what has hit you!”
    Watt then strode towards the door. DiMambro got to his feet and began to shout at Watt.
    “You haven’t heard the last of this Jimbo! Anglo-Force is about to fall, and when it does me and my team will be there to laugh in your faces! You’ll hear from me soon enough! Soon I’ll be the most powerful man in this continent!”
    Watt could hear his words, but he didn’t let DiMambro know he could. Leaving the office he joined Jet outside and they left via the front entrance. As they left two Police cars pulled up. They were from the S.C.U. Solo and Hunter got out of one of the cars and approached them.
    “Jim, what’s going on here? We got a call saying there was some kind of fight going on in there!”
    “Ask the Eyetie in there. You’ll probably be hearing from him soon anyway!”
    And with that Watt and Jet walked away towards the centre of London. As they walked Watt turned to Jet.
    “You know Clarkie, we could do with a few extra hands right now. Fancy a change from the loner’s life?”
    “We seemed to work well together Jim. Perhaps it is time for a change, for a little while at least!”
    Then, with a shake of the hand, they took off into the sky, heading towards the Anglo-Force mansion.


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