Wednesday 18 May 1994

Princes of the Universe - Chapter Three

Connor McCloud hurriedly ran around his quarters trying to gather up all that belonged to him, which wasn’t much. It was then that the Elder entered.
    “What are you doing?” the Elder asked.
    “You said yourself that my injuries have healed.” said McCloud. “I see no reason for me to stay.”
    “But you cannot just go.” said the Elder. “How will you leave this world? We have no ships.”
    “But you have communication devices. There are bound to be vessels in this system.”
    “Did not your own Federation deem this system off-limits?”
    “To Federation ships maybe, but there are other spaceships out there.”
    McCloud finished packing his things into the small bag. He then threw the bag over his shoulder and left the room. He march down the corridor and soon came to the room he was looking for, the communications room. The Elder was not far behind him.
    “I beg of you Captain, please remain here. If others were to come here than untold misery would be brought upon our race.”
    “Look, I’m grateful for all you’ve done for me, but I can’t stay here for the rest of my life, which could be a few thousand years. With Capria dead there’s nothing more for me here. I must go.”
    McCloud sat down and the table and switch on the communicator. He did not notice the Elder looking very grim.
    “To anyone within the sound of my voice. This is Captain Connor McCloud on Epsilon-Beta One. I am seeking transport off this planet.”

    Little did McCloud realise that his message was being heard by Gul Damec on the Cardassian vessel.
    “You are a fool McCloud!” he sneered. “You want transport? Then I shall give you the transport you want. Helmsman, set a course for Epsilon-Beta One!”

    Admiral McCloud walked along the docking ring to where the Valkyrie was docked. He watched as engineering teams from both the Valkyrie and Deep Space Nine worked busily in an attempt to repair the damaged warp engines. He seemed uneasy. Then he saw Chief O’Brien.
    “How much linger is the repair going to take?” McCloud asked.
    “We’re doing the best we can sir.” replied O’Brien. “We’re working flat out as it is.”
    “I understand Chief.”
    McCloud continued on his way down the corridor until he came across Commander Sisko.
    “May I have a word with you Admiral?” Sisko asked. “It’s just that I was wondering if you could tell me what this was all about? Why do you need all of our engineering teams working on the Valkyrie’s warp engines? Is there something I should know?”
    “You do not need to known anything Commander.” said McCloud.
    McCloud walked past Sisko. Sisko could tell that something was wrong.

    It took some time but the damaged warp engine on the Valkyrie was repaired. The engineering teams were totally exhausted. During the repairs Admiral McCloud had taken over Sisko’s office. It was while he was there that Major Kira gave him the news.
    “The engineering teams have completed their work Admiral.” she said. “The Valkyrie’s warp engines have been repaired.”
    McCloud did not turn his attention away from the computer terminal.
    “Thank you Major.” said McCloud, his attention still turned on to the terminal. “Please inform the Daktari that they can leave whenever they see fit.”
    Kira waited for a few seconds as McCloud continued to study the computer terminal. She then left the office. Sisko waited for her in ops.
    “Well I told him, but he doesn’t seem in a hurry to go anywhere.” said Kira.
    “I know.” said Sisko. “He’s been like that ever since he arrived. Does Captain Watt know that the repairs are complete?”
    “He was the first to know.” said Kira. “But…”
    Kira stopped as McCloud left the office.
    “Thank you for the use of your office Commander.” he said. “And of your computer. It was very helpful.”
    “Glad I could be of assistance.” said Sisko.
    McCloud paid no heed to these words as he stepped into the turbo-lift. A few minutes later and he was again on the docking ring walking towards the Valkyrie. He was greeted by Commander Pendragon.
    “Permission to come aboard.” said McCloud.
    “Permission granted Admiral. Your…”
    McCloud marched past Pendragon onto the Valkyrie. He soon made his way to the bridge. Watt was seated in his chair. McCloud took the seat that was normally occupied by Counsellor Trospheo.
    “Mooring beams have been released.” reported Greenleaf.
    “Good.” said McCloud. “Helmsman, set a course for Epsilon-Beta One, ahead war factor eight.”
    Watt turned and looked at McCloud.
    “At your discretion of course, Captain.”
    “The warp engines have not been fully tested.” said Watt. “Warp six is our fastest speed at the moment.”
    “The slower the speed the longer the delay.” said McCloud. “We must reach the planet in a matter of hours. The Cardassians have a huge start on us.”
    “Warp six helmsman.” said Watt.
    “Captain, I…” started McCloud.
    “Admiral, you may be my superior officer, but I know what my ship is capable of. Warp six Mr. Greenleaf.”
    The Cardassian warship entered the Epsilon-Beta system and was now very near the first planet. Gul Damec sat smugly in his command chair. He turned to face his communications officer.
    “Are there any more transmissions from the first planet yet?” he asked.
    “None yet. Perhaps Captain McCloud has found alternative transport. But tell me, why do you want him? Why do we travel through Federation space to get to this worthless planet?”
    Damec got to his feet and approached the communications officer. The icy stare made him cower. He knew it was useless to question a Gul, especially a Gul like Damec.
    “You will not question me again.” he said. “You will know only this. I must have McCloud and all of his knowledge!”

    Watt entered engineering. He had received a call from Lom a few minutes earlier. Lom was not happy.
    “What’s wrong Commander?” asked Watt.
    “The warp engines have been pushed too far Captain.” Lom replied. “We didn’t have enough time to run computer simulations on them. I’m afraid we are going to have do drop to warp four. If we don’t we could lose them again.”
    Watt paused for a moment, and then activated his communicator.
    “Watt to bridge. Slow speed to warp four.”
    “That will add another three hours onto our journey.” said Pendragon.
    “I know number one.” said Watt. “But if we don’t slow down we don’t get there at all.”
    A few minutes later Watt entered the observation lounge. He saw Admiral McCloud looking out into the vast openness of space.
    “We’ve had to drop down to warp four.” said Watt. “Otherwise we…”
    McCloud continued to look.
    “He’s here.” he said. “In this sector, near the first planet.”
    “You mean the Cardassian immortal?”
    McCloud turned to face Watt.
    “Tell me Captain, your Commander Pendragon, is he as good a swordsman as his ancestor, the White Knight?”
    “Better than that if you ask me, Admiral. I’ve had the change to see them both in action.”
    “If he had to would he kill using his skills?”
    Watt paused before answering.
    “What ahs this to do with Connor?”
    “If Connor and I should both fall to Damec, the Cardassian, then it may fall to Commander Pendragon to kill Damec. If that happens though all of Damec’s knowledge would be lost forever.”
    “With all due respect Admiral, isn’t this an ‘internal’ matter between you immortals? I won’t order Commander Pendragon to kill anyone. He’s not a hired Hitman.”
    “Then if you won’t.” said McCloud. “I will.”

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