Monday, 6 December 2021

Renegades - Civil War Chapter Thirty-Four

    On  the bridge of the Lohengrin Travis paced up and down in front of the main viewer as Sinclair sat calmly in the command chair.
    “We can’t just sit here and do nothing.” he said. “We must arm all of the weapons and attack both of them!”
    “We have no idea what the alien ship is capable of.” Sinclair replied. “As far as we know that ship could outgun us ten-to-one.”
    “I agree.” said Shelby. “We talk first.”
    “Are you crazy?” Travis shouted. “There are six wanted criminals on that alien ship, and who knows how many on that other ship. We must arm the weapons and attack them now!”
    This outburst brought Sinclair to his feet.
    “May I remind you, Commander, that I outrank you, and that you are here mainly in an advisory role.”
    Travis stared long and hard at Sinclair and then backed down, taking the chair normally occupied by Counsellor Alexander. Sinclair then turned his attention back to the image on the view screen, to the image of the alien vessel and the Oberth-class starship, with a nagging feeling that he knew who the old science ship belonged to.

    General William Hague walked through the corridors of the Presidential offices in Paris not knowing why he had been called there. Then, while he was on his way to Servalan’s office he was stopped by Commander Sleer.
    “General Hague, I’m glad to see that you made it. If you’d like to follow me.”
    Hague followed Sleer down the corridor until they came to the President’s office. Upon entering they found Servalan seated at her desk. She did not look up when they entered.
    “Thank you Commander Sleer, that will be all.”
    Sleer bowed his head and left the office, leaving Hague standing alone in front of the President.
    “Please, General, take a seat.”
    Hague did as he was told and seemed slightly impatient when Servalan did not speak to him. Then she suddenly stopped her work.
    “General, I believe that during his election campaign President Watt discussed with you the possibility of becoming Starfleet Command-in-Chief.”
    “As he did with several others.” said Hague. “I was a bit disappointed when Duncan McCloud got the job, but he’s a good man, and a very capable C-in-C.”
    “And how would you feel if the position became…open again?”
    “Is it open again? I didn’t know Duncan had resigned. I knew he was affected deeply by President Watt’s death, after all, they’d known each other for nearly four hundred years, but I always thought he’d stay in the job.
    Then the conversation was interrupted when Admiral McCloud burst into the room, computer pad in hand. He stormed up to the desk and slammed the pad onto it.
    “What the hell is this Servalan?” he shouted.
    Servalan picked up the pad and looked at it.
    “It’s the warrant for the arrest of Captain Watt and his crew, for aiding in the escape of Roj Blake and his comrades.”
    “You know as well as I do that’s a load of bull! We’ve both read the report! The Valkyrie’s systems went down when it was hit by the shockwaves. It was an act of nature, not an act of the crew that allowed Blake to escape!”
    “I have found that security aboard the Valkyrie was rather lacking, which enabled them to escape aboard the alien vessel. It was because of that I issued the warrant!”
    “First Leacock, now his grandson! I will not be a party to this witch-hunt! I will not help you destroy everything Jim worked for since 2161!”
    Hague did nothing but watch the proceedings. He could tell that something drastic was about to happen.
    “I want you to stop the warrant!” said McCloud.
    “I’m afraid I can’t do that Admiral>“
    “Then I have no choice.”
    Reaching up to his chest he ripped his communicator off and threw it onto Servalan’s desk.
    “I resign! Effective immediately!”
    He then stormed out of the office, leaving Servalan and his career in Starfleet behind him.
    “As I was saying General Hague.” Servalan continued. “How would you feel if the position became open again?”
    Hague did not know what to say.
    “I would like you to take over as Starfleet Commander-in-Chief, effective immediately.”
    Hague smiled slightly.
    “I would be honoured Madame President.”
    “Then go and prepare your staff, General. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”
    Hague stood up and bowed his head slightly. He then left the room, not quite knowing what to make of it all. As he left he failed to notice the broad smile On Servalan’s face as all parts of her jigsaw began to fall into place.

    Quark bustled his way through the paying customers of his bar. Trying to make sure that those paying customers were made happy, and that they didn’t ask for a refund. Behind him Nog followed, trying to keep up with his uncle so he could give him a most important piece of information.
    “Uncle Quark! Uncle Quark!” he called, trying to make himself heard over the din.
    Quark came to an abrupt halt, almost spilling the drinks on the tray he was carrying.
    “What is it Nog? Can’t you see I’m busy?”
    “But Uncle! I have something to tell you! I won’t be able to work my shift for the next few days!”
    Upon hearing this news Quark stopped what he was doing altogether. He gave his nephew an icy stare.
    “Because I’m going to the Gamma Quadrant with Jake and Commander Sisko!”
    Quark could not believe his rather large ears.
    “You? Going to the Gamma Quadrant? Why?”
    “It’s my science project! Jake and I are going to survey a planet. Commander Sisko is taking us in a runabout!”
    Immediately Quark’s mind began to devise a plan, a plan that could help him gain more customers for his bar, and in the process more latinum for his pocket. A broad devilish smile appeared on his face. The plan was perfect.
    “Very well! You can go!”
    Nog could not believe his lobes. Normally his uncle only let his staff due before he gave them any time off. This was indeed a first for Quark.
    “Thank you Uncle, thank you!”
    Happy that he had achieved the impossible Nog ran off to tell Jake of his accomplishment, leaving Quark to mentally pat himself on the back at having devised such a brilliant plan.

    “We’re coming up on Altor now Captain.” O’Rourke reported from the con position.
    “Very good Lieutenant.” said Watt from the command chair. “Set a standard orbit and then contact Captain Podley to let him know we have arrived.”
    “No need to do that Captain.” said Amarus. “Sensors are picking up ten D.C.P.D. units heading towards us.”
    “A rather excessive amount, considering there is only one prisoner to escort to Demeter City.” Sutek observed.
    “Try to raise them.” Watt ordered.
    Amarus began to operate the communications panel.
    “No response to our hails Captain. Shall I direct them to one of the shuttle bays?”
    “Direct them to Shuttle Bay Two Lieutenant.” Watt ordered. “Then have the prisoner taken there. Commander Sutek, you’re with me.”
    A short time later Watt and Sutek arrived in the shuttle bay to see Amarus and a full security team keeping the Snake restrained. Then the bay door opened to allow the police units onto the Valkyrie. Officers Took and Castle were the first to get out, and Amarus handed the Snake over to them. Then Podley and Brogan got out of their unit. Watt approached them.
    “Captain Podley, I hardly think that you needed ten units to take the Snake back to Altor.” he said.
    Watt stopped when he saw the solemn look on their faces.
    “Captain James Watt.” Brogan started. “It is my duty to inform you that you and your crew are under arrest, charged with aiding the escape of Roj Blake, Kerr Avon and their comrades.”
    Office Haldane came up behind Watt and put restraints on his wrists.
    “You can’t be serious!” said Watt. “Oh whose authority?”
    “The orders came from President Servalan herself.” said Podley. “Please believe me Captain, when I say that I do this with great reluctance.”
    Podley then began to signal to the rest of his officers, giving them their orders.
    “Please, Captain Watt, I would be grateful if you would ask your crew to cooperate with this.” said Podley. “It would make it easier on everyone involved.”
    Watt then sent a ship-wide transmission asking his crew to cooperate with Podley and his officers. They met with no resistance. Then, as Watt and Sutek were led away to the Brig Podley turned to Brogan. Brogan could tell he wasn’t happy.
    “This doesn’t feel right!” said Brogan. “Hell, James Watt is a legend in Starfleet, with an exemplary record!”
    “I know.” said Podley. “Something’s going on here, and I don’t like it one bit!”

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