Monday, 15 November 2021

Renegades - Civil War Chapter Sixteen

    Thomas Leacock sat in his cell below the Old Bailey in London. It had been seen as fitting years ago when the Federation was found that it’s seat of justice should be in the capital city of Great Britain, a land which had been the model for many justice systems. Leo Rumpole was also there. He had taken it as a good omen that the trial was to be held here, for it was at the Old Bailey that his famous ancestor had had many of his greatest triumphs. Beaming an encouraging smile at his client Rumpole ascended to the court room above.
    His heart sank when he saw who the presiding judge was to be. It had originally been planned that Admiral St. Germain, famous as being the only vampire to hold the rank of Admiral in Starfleet would conduct the trial. He had been replaced at Servalan’s express orders by Norah Satie, previously discredited after her investigations aboard the Enterprise. The prosecution lawyer nodded in a condescending manner to Rumpole, who diplomatically ignored him.
    Leacock was brought up into the dock. Once more Rumpole smiled a smile of encouragement to him. Rumpole noted that they had taken great pains to take Leacock’s cane, the main vessel of his powers, away from him. The man looked tired and haggard, hardly surprising, he was almost five hundred years old. It must be the long years of living with Magus which were now preventing his great age from catching up with him, but it would only be a matter of time before they did.
    Norah Satie greeted the court. The prosecuting attorney began his case against Leacock. It seemed the evidence against the Vice-President was overwhelming. It seemed to indicate a larger plot by Leacock and others but went no further than that. Several times Rumpole arose to challenge evidence as hearsay but every time he was overruled.
    At last came Rumpole’s turn to present the defence case. The younger James Watt was called to the stand.
    “Tell me Captain Watt.” said Rumpole after the oath had been taken. “I believe that you had an interview with a being of the race known as Soul Hunters after the incident.
    Watt nodded his assent.
    “He told me that there was no soul to be collected.”
    The prosecuting lawyer leapt to his feet.
    “Objection on two counts. What the Soul Hunter said to Captain Watt is inadmissible as hearsay. Also the existence of a soul has not bee scientifically proven.”
    Judge Satie upheld the objection. And so it went on. What was perhaps the most important trial in Federation history was over in under three hours. Leacock had even been denied the ancient right of trial by jury. Norah Satie sat barely able to conceal her glee at being once more in a position of power as she passed sentence.
    “Thomas Leacock, you have been found guilty of conspiring to murder President Watt, conspiring against the Federation and high treason. I therefore sentence you to life imprisonment on the penal colony of Cygnus Alpha!”
    Leacock was led away, his face ashen.

    The director counted down as I.S.N. reporter Lois Kent adjusted her microphone. In front of her Servalan looked annoyed, her interview having been interrupted by a commercial for a synthetic ale.
    “Two…one! And we’re back!”
    Lois Kent smiled as the cameras started again.
    “Welcome back. I’m here with new Federation President Servalan, in her first interview since taking officer under emergency regulations. Madame President, so far we’ve talked about your career in the Senate, but now I’d like to talk about your predecessor, James Watt. The man was…a legend! There’s no other way to put it. How has his death affected you?”
    “His death has affected me deeply Miss Kent, very deeply indeed. Everyone had thought that he was immortal, that he would live forever, but sadly that is not the case.”
    “And what about former V.P. Thomas Leacock, who was sentenced to life imprisonment on Cygnus Alpha?”
    “That is the thing that hurts the most. Thomas Leacock and James Watt were friends for over four centuries, and then he tried to gain power by killing President Watt. Perhaps he was jealous of him, or perhaps it was all part of a larger plan.”
    “Are you saying that he wasn’t working alone?”
    “I am saying that he was working with the rest of the Istari. Let’s take a look at the Istari for the moment. In the twenty-first century Fuji Yamanda, after joining them, went berserk and nearly killed the rest of them before trying to take over the universe and re-create it for his own needs. Just a few months ago Alen the Seer aided in an attempt to kill President Watt and half of the galaxy’s finest diplomats. I believe, Miss Kent, that Thomas Leacock was working with that drunken fool Phineas Magus, and that they wanted to take control of the United Federation of Planets!”
    “Magus?” Kent laughed. “Phineas Magus and James Watt were best friends!”
    “Phineas Magus is nothing more than an ageing alcoholic! He was the one who first suggested closer ties between the Federation and the Time of Legends. Now I know why. The Istari had planned to take control of the Federation after President Watt was killed. I have evidence to suggest this, and that is why I am now declaring Phineas Magus and anyone who helps him as outlaws. Also, I am ordering all Federation personnel to prepare for a complete withdrawal from that sector. Shortly afterwards trade sanctions will be imposed, and the sector will be deemed off-limits to all Federation vessels. I hope that others will follow suit soon afterwards!”

    Arthur Pendragon sat watching the interview in his office aboard the Pegasus, a look of sheer disbelief upon his face, not unmixed with some amusement at Servalan’s description of Magus. He was less happy when Archer told him of three distinguished visitors to the station. He walked out onto the Promenade to see three imposing figures striding towards him, the wizard Gandalf and the Gods Zeus and Odin.
    “I take it that you have heard the message.” said Pendragon.
    Zeus nodded.
    “Aye, friend Pendragon, ‘tis a black day. We know that Magus nor Thomas have had a hand in the death of your President, yet by the standards of mortal men we must have evidence of this. We have none to offer.”
    Pendragon smiled.
    “I need none, Lord Zeus. I have faith in Magus, as I do in all the Istari. I know that they would not have done this deed.”
    “You realise that by staying here you will be placing your life in great danger?” asked Odin.
    Pendragon nodded. Gandalf reached out and grasped his hand.
    “You are as brave as any of your ancestors, but what of those Federation personnel who do not wish to remain?”
    They returned to the office. Pendragon activate the public address system.
    “Now hear this, this is Captain Arthur Pendragon speaking. You will have seen the interview by our new President declaring the Time off-limits to Federation personnel. I personally intend to ignore her. I hereby challenge her jurisdiction. As of now I am unilaterally declaring Pegasus as independent under the protection of the Council of the Time. All Federation personnel who wish to leave should do so immediately. Transports will be provided. Contact Lieutenant Plato to arrange your passage. Pendragon out.”
    Then he turned to his guests.
    “Now we wait.”
    They made themselves comfortable. Dr. Pulaski joined them.
    “Do you think many will leave?” she asked.
    Pendragon shrugged.
    “I honestly don’t know Kate.”
    The time dragged on. One hour passed, then two. Lieutenant Maris, Larin and Greenleaf joined them. Then after three hours had passed Plato returned.
    “We have had no requests for passage Sir.” he said, a smile playing across his usually serious face.
    Pendragon too smiled.
    “Lieutenant, please send a message to Starfleet Command, Tell them we are now under the control of the Council of the Time, and thus independent.”
    Odin leant forward.
    “Tell them also that if they make any move to attack us the great river Baranduin will run red with their blood!”
    Plato left to relay his message whilst Pendragon seated himself grimly behind his desk.
    “Now we wait again.”

    Teddy had been trying to contact the Valkyrie for three hours, to no avail. He was now running a level one diagnostic on all the systems with Scotty, who had by now totally adjusted to the idea of a hyper-intelligent dog. Then the results came through. Scotty relayed them to Magus.
    “It looks like our signals are being jammed Doctor, on all frequencies.”
    Magus frowned.
    “Without knowing specifically where James is I cannot contact him by telepathy. With the state of his mind I doubt if he would receive it. Mr. Drathro, will you work with the others on breaking through? Mr. Scott, come with me, I wish you to help me make some adjustments to the cavourite drive.”


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