Thursday 7 July 1994

The Rise of Supremus - Chapter Ten

Supremus seemed to be revelling as his newfound power surged through his body. Tremors could be felt all over the worlds as energy came flowing through the pipe. From afar on the beach Watt began to slowly regain his senses. He slowly got to his knees, but could only watch as power got through to Supremus and he began to get taller and taller. As he grew he let out a huge cry as if he were celebrating some sort of victory.

    Suddenly Watt looked skywards as another glow appeared in the sky. Watt had to shield his eyes for a few seconds, but then the light got dimmer and Watt thought he could see something inside the glow. It appeared to be a person, a woman. Gradually the form became clearer. It was soon clear that it was a woman, a beautiful woman with long flowing blonde hair. She was dressed in a blue flowing dress. Something seemed different about her, something…magical. She looked in the direction of Supremus.
    “Cease your act Supremus. I command you!”
    Supremus let out a huge laugh.
    “A mere woman seeks to stop me from becoming omnipotent!” he boomed. “It is a joke!”
    “I command you Supremus! Stop! You are destroying the very world that gave you life! This world is destined to due, but not on this day! I command you to stop!”
    Watt watched as he slowly got to his feet. He knew he was still groggy so he couldn’t be sure of what he was seeing.
    “I give you one last chance Supremus! Return the power you have taken from the core of this world and you will be spared!”
    “Who are you to command Supremus! I am omnipotent!”
    The woman raised her arms and the glow around her began to grow.
    “I am Rhiannon, an Over-Seer! I am protector of this world! I cannot allow any harm to befall it!”
    And with that the glow got so bright that Watt couldn’t see. He couldn’t see two bursts of energy come from Rhiannon and go towards Supremus. The giant mutate let out a huge cry, and his link with the machine was severed. Another burst of energy hit Supremus square in the chest and it sent him crashing into the ocean. The glow then died down as Rhiannon moved towards where Supremus lay. Slowly Supremus began to shrink in size. Rhiannon raised her hand and the limp form of the mutate was raised out of the water. She then moved him towards the beach. Watt was now beginning to regain his eyesight. He saw the form of Supremus being gently lowered to the ground next to him. Rhiannon then landed on the ground nearby.
    “Who are you?” asked Watt. “Where did you come from?”
    “Not many people know of my existence Captain Watt, but I hold far more power than you can imagine. There are only a few in this universe who hold more power than I.”
    Suddenly they heard a noise out at sea. A huge tidal wave began to form a few miles away out to sea.
    “There is one final task I must perform!” said Rhiannon.
    Rhiannon looked out to sea and raised her hand. The tidal wave began to get smaller and smaller until it was not a threat. She then turned her attention towards Supremus. Kneeling down she placed her hand on his forehead and a red glow covered them both. She then directed an energy beam towards the ocean and down into the volcano, the volcano from where it had emanated. After this task was complete she got to her feet, raised her hands, and began to encase Supremus in a solid rock ball. The ball resembled an asteroid in size and form.
    “This rock should imprison Supremus. It is designed to hold him for an eternity. But that may still not be enough. I must ask you to perform one last task. I must ask you to carry this rock off this world, as far as you can take it. Then return here.”
    Watt did not know what to make of this, but he knew that he had to do what Rhiannon said. Kneeling down Watt took the giant rock in his arms and then lifted it above his head.
    “Go to the stars!” said Rhiannon. “Go as far as you can.”
    Watt looked at Rhiannon and then took to the sky. He headed straight up, and within a minute he was reaching his maximum speed. Several minutes later he had left Earth’s atmosphere. With each passing second he was gaining more and more speed. He soon passed the moon. Minutes later he was flying past Mars. He knew that this was far enough, he didn’t have the energy to travel any further. With all of his might he hurled the asteroid into the vast openness of the galaxy. The asteroid went hurtling forward at tremendous speed. Watt watched as it got further and further away from him. When he could not see it any more he started to return to Earth.
    Watt made his way to the western African coast, and he soon saw his fallen comrades still lying on the beach. In the middle of the beach he saw Rhiannon standing, watching Watt as he approached.
    “Now you have completed your task I must do something.” she said.
    Moving forward Rhiannon placed her hand on Watt’s forehead.
    “You will not remember that which has transpired.” she said. “You never saw me. I was never here. The victory over Supremus was yours. It belongs to you and your comrades.”
    A few seconds passed as Rhiannon erased Watt’s memory. A few seconds later Watt began to feel drowsy. He slowly slipped to the ground and was soon asleep. Rhiannon looked down at Watt.
    “My existence will still remain a secret.”

    Slowly Watt began to come around. He was still feeling slightly groggy. He knew that they had defeated Supremus but he had no idea how they did it. Watt looked around and he could see that the others were starting to come to. Getting to his feet Watt went over to them to see if they were alright.
    “Where’s Supremus?” asked White Knight.
    “At this moment in time he should be somewhere near Saturn.” Watt replied. “Encased in a ball of rock.”
    “How did he get there?” asked Red Sun.
    Watt thought for a moment. He then looked puzzled.
    “To tell you the truth I don’t remember.” said Watt. “The last thing I recall is hurtling him past Mars. And then…”
    Watt thought for a moment. It was as if he had a vision of a woman he had recently met.
    “That doesn’t matter now anyway.” he said. “What does matter is that Supremus is gone, hopefully for good.”
    White Knight went to see if the others were alright. As he did this Watt looked up towards the sky. He had a strange feeling, a feeling as if he was missing, or had missed something, as if something had gone from his memory. As he did this he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Red Sun standing behind him.
    “Is something wrong?” she asked.
    Watt shook his head.
    “It’s nothing.” he said. “Come on, let’s see if we can find a place to eat around here, and then let’s going. Yetta will be furious that we’ve been gone for so long.”
    Watt and Red Sun soon joined the others as they moved inland. As they walked inland Watt once again looked skyward. Something was niggling him. But from high above a powerful being looked down on Anglo-Force, happy that her secret was safe.

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